By Bill Harley
One way of thinking about the ultimate purpose of life is for each of us to learn to have our Higher Nature (or True Self) in the lead with our Lower (or Animal) Nature subordinated. For example, the Higher Nature/True Self tends to be patient; the Lower Nature tends to be impatient. Using myself as an illustration, I generally tend to be a pretty patient person; however, when I am driving in dense traffic, my Lower Nature tends to get triggered, take the lead, and I become quite impatient. This is an area in my life where I need to grow and I am working on it.
Some other characteristics of our two natures are as follows:
Lower Nature—attracted to worldly things; Higher Nature—attracted to spiritual things
Lower Nature—constricted heart; Higher Nature—dilated heart
Lower Nature—cunning; Higher Nature—sincerity
Lower Nature—pride; Higher Nature—humility
Lower Nature—disputation & contest; Higher Nature—harmony & teamwork
Lower Nature—hypocrisy; Higher Nature—authenticity & integrity
The world’s religious scriptures provide a compendium of analysis about the Higher and Lower Natures in human beings. All of the Divine Messengers that have come to humanity through the ages have called out to the True Self/Higher Nature in people. Each of these Messengers has suffered greatly because most of the people responded to them from their Lower Natures.
Today, most of us on the planet live in cultures that are materialistically-centered. This means that the culture calls forth our Lower Nature; and this leads to a tremendous amount of unnecessary suffering. To cultivate our True Self/Higher Nature today requires that we rise above our cultures and build spiritual infrastructure into our lives. This is heroic work because when we do so, it speeds the coming of the emerging world civilization predicted by all the world’s major religious scriptures which will be spiritually-centered. This means that the emerging culture will call forth our True Self/Higher Nature; and this will lead to a dramatic reduction in unnecessary suffering and the increase of joy, tranquility, vitality and advancement.
Some key aspects of the “spiritual infrastructure” referred to above are outlined in Jean’s and my two books. If you honor the three ultimate purposes of life identified in Now That I’m Here, What Should I Be Doing, your True Self or Higher Nature will be drawn forth and your Lower Nature quieted. If you use the 15 Wall-Seeking principles introduced in that same book to more effectively leverage the spiritual and social growth patterns designed into life by the Creator, you will increasingly come from your True Self/Higher Nature.
Similarly, if you practice Compassionate Consultation (CC) decision-making and honor the 12 Behavioral Standards introduced in TRANSFORMED: How to Make the Decisions That Change Your Life, you will experience the invigoration of your Higher Nature and the de-energizing of your Lower Nature.
The world is in desperate need for more people who have their True Selves/Higher Natures in the lead. If you’re ready to step-up to living more of your life from your True Self, read these two books; and please keep in touch regarding your progress applying the principles. Jean and I will do the same.